Friday 25 December 2015

Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai

This one will be short since there’s nothing much I could say about Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai. I didn’t find it as exciting as most mystery dramas or movies I’ve watched, but it was one hilarious film. Shotaro (Ohno Satoshi), the lead character, never failed to make me laugh whenever he shows his zeal for his dream of becoming a superhero. There’s nothing wrong with that, I believe so, but Shotaro was just one funny guy. But I liked his simplicity and sincerity.

There was even a scene where I couldn’t stop laughing hard that I cried. It was when Shotaro made a leap from the dock. I never thought I’d laugh and cry at the very same since Windstruck. It was a great stress buster.
It was also nice to see Sato Ryuta playing as Komoto Kazuki, a lighter character compared to Nozomi Katori in Bambino! Plus, Sakurai Sho and Matsumoto Jun’s cameos were kind of interesting. I’m saying that because I enjoyed Nazotoki wa Dinner no Ato de.

Originally posted on: 30 March 2013
Reposted on: 3 August 2013

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