Monday 20 April 2020

Stimulated Lachrymal Glands

My fault was reading the plot of the second season of Whirlwind Girl that I knew what would become of someone particular. Thus, I was already shedding tears at the onset of the last two episodes. I already finished the series and I am still broken hearted. Yes, they're still shedding.

This is the second Chinese Drama that got me crying on its last episodes. The first was Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms. At least that one had a redemption. It had a good, I mean peace-keeping, ending.

I'm not sure if it's an effect of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) or it's just how C-Dramas affect me. My hypothalamus has been on a roll of getting in touch with human emotions. Yes, for someone INTP that's unusual.

For now I need an overdose of Yang Yang's smiles. So to recover from this I opt to selectively re-watch some episodes of The King's Avatar.

Now Playing: Utada Hikaru - Flavour of Life

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