Tuesday 21 April 2020


Not even halfway into the pilot episode but seeing this particular actress (again) is giving me second thoughts should I pursue this C-Drama. I've seen her in other drama, which I decided to watch because of a new favourite Chinese actress. I haven't finished that drama though, because of this particular actress.

Of course I want to give everyone the chance to redeem themselves but I think I keep on seeing her in characters that are not my cup of tea. In my vernacular tongue, ayoko ng mga pa-tweetums. Sweet image, almost always in need of someone to look after herself. Pet peev.

So in this C-Drama that I am starting, she seems to play the role of a villain. I've seen many action productions and there are those with female villains. I find her acting here forced and stiff. I guess because she's used to the sweet image so she has to intentionally force her facial muscles to pull a villain look.

Me not like it.

I am hoping that the next scenes will stimulate and encourage me to continue. Otherwise this C-Drama would be the third drama I couldn't continue because I don't like a particular character or actor although it also has my favourite actor/actress in it.

Now Playing: Namie Amuro - Love Story

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