Monday 19 December 2016

Doctor X

I love that Doctor X only had 8 episodes though I’d like to watch more of Daimon-sensei’s surgical operations. At first I was wary of who Daimon Michiko (Yonekura Ryoko) really was. It was not denied that she’s only 37 years old, but her surgical skills were superb. I wondered how she became so skilled to the point that she’d say she would never fail.

“私 は失敗しない.” Sensible medical and health professionals know that there’s no guarantee when it comes to the body especially when going through surgery.

I just realized that it first aired on my birthday. Sugoi!

It’s nice to see Katsumoura Masanobu again in a drama this time playing another medical character as Kaji Hideki. Masanobu was also a doctor (Morimoto Tadashi) in Code Blue. In another medical drama, Voice, he was featured in episode 3.

Kaji-sensei in Doctor X was rather indignant to Daimon-sensei. It was understandable, only because he’s eventually changed his professional opinion.

Despite being harsh to Daimon-sensei, I like that Kaji-sensei was one of those few people who could really approach her head on. If it’s not him, it’d be Jonouchi Hiromi (Uchida Yuki) the anesthesiologist.

I think it’s the second drama of Uchida that I’ve watched, next to Bambino! I’m having a fondness for this actress. Well, Jonouchi-sensei was honest and likable. She was also not like most of her colleagues, though the last episode revealed her frustration.

Whenever I watch a medical drama, especially when they feature the operating room, I always have my eyebrow ready to scrutinize. If Doctor X was a real medical situation and I were one of the O.R. staff, especially if I were a surgeon or just a scrub nurse, I might’ve screamed, “Scrub out!” a number of times.

In episode 8, Hijikata Ikuya was appointed by Director Busujima Ryonosuke (Ito Shiro) to perform a delicate surgery. At the operating room, if I were a scrub nurse I’d block his way and scold him. If I were a surgeon, I’d scream at him if not kick him out. I’d never let him come close to the table.

In an earlier episode, an O.R. nurse put the loupe goggles to a doctor, I can’t remember who, in a way that made me want to kick them both. The way the staff move around the table was also bothersome.

My favourite episode in Doctor X was the fifth episode, not because I figured out the problem before Daimon-sensei but because I saw a side of her that was fun.

Originally posted on: 01 August 2013
Reposted on: 13 August 2013

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