Saturday, 5 March 2016


I finally finished watching Tonbi tonight. Well yeah, I got busy and all but the other reason for finishing it late is because I would always cry for each episode. Yes, since the pilot episode. It was just hard core when touching the heart. And there’s super cutie patootie little Akira! He’s killing me of his cuteness. I’m not complaining though.

Well, what can I say? Tonbi was just so good. I love how it “tells the story of how a widower brought up his only son, after the death of his beloved wife. Ichikawa Yasuo, or Yasu as he is known, is a baka, with no paper qualifications to his name. However, like all normal parents, he dotes on his only son, Akira. Having grown up without his parents around, Yasu himself knows next to nothing of what parenting is about. With his wife, Misako, by his side, he had spent many happy days together with his little family. However, when Akira was 3 years old, Misako passed away suddenly from an accident. Heart-broken, and filled with regrets, Yasu pulled himself together, in order to care for his little son. Together with the help of his friends, Yasu overcame it all, and Akira grew up to be a bright and successful young man.”
Tonbi can make you laugh so hard, smile heartily, and cry a river. It’s that good. However, it’ll not be surprising if you get to have hesitations watching the next episode. You probably don’t want to because you know you’re just going to cry. People who want to watch Tonbi should be warned. This drama may cause a little dehydration so make sure you always have a glass of water with you. Not to mention a roll of tissue for your eyes and nose.
By the way, there was a scene among the latter the episodes that I like so much. It was what Akira (Satoh Takeru) said to Yumi (Fukiishi Kazue).
Thanks to Tonbi episode 2. I wasn’t prepared for episode 1.

Thanks to Tonbi episde 3.

“There’s one thing a parent has to do for the child no matter what. That’s to make sure the child doesn’t feel lonely. It’s said that loneliness accumulates slowly like falling snow, and freezes the heart solid before you know it.” – Ichikawa Yasuo (Uchino Masaaki), episode 10.

Originally posted on: 7 June 2013 
Reposted on: 5 August 2013

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