Saturday 5 March 2016

LADY ~Saigo no Hanzai Profile~ episode 3

I am bothered with Miyake-sensei’s, the medical examiner, explanation of the haemorrhage. It’s plain obvious. I was like, “Do you really have to state its process? Everyone knows what happens when a person is drained of blood.” Then I thought, maybe it’s just because I have a medical background that it comes easy to me.
There’s another bothersome thing I noticed in episode 3, even in episode 4. They don’t seem to be bothered talking to a suspect and criminal without handcuffs. This is just SO BOTHERSOME! Unrealistic, you know. Perhaps I should do a script editing to polish characters’ reliability. To make sure that what they’re doing is realistic. I’d be happy to do part-times for this job. Haha!

Originally posted on: 10 June 2013 
Reposted on: 5 August 2013

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