Saturday 5 March 2016

Code Blue randoms and SP

Episode 1.
Yes. That four-eyed trainee is SO ANNOYING. If I were a nurse working with him, I’d probably not hold back telling him, “SHUT UP.” Also, calling out loud to fellow/rival trainees in the pantry, so they could sit together and have lunch, was just inappropriate. How could you speak so loud? He just makes me go, “Ugh!”

Btw, even though Toda Erika’s character withheld from joining the surgery, wearing earrings is not allowed in the operating room.
Episode 2.
When the four-eyed trainee came to help the just-arrived-Heli patient, he positioned himself at the patient’s feet. And just as I thought, he got what he got.

All right. I haven’t taken notes of the other episodes, but I kind of love episode 7 most. I think it’s when the Grandmother was admitted. I also like episode 8. I love Yuna-chan. She’s straightforward, even to Aizawa (Yamashita Tomohisa) and just amusing.
Code Blue SP

I was actually spoiled because I happened to watch S2-episode 1 first only to realize that there were scenes that I didn’t know. I was also reminded that the same mistake happened when I was just about to watch Code Blue.
The entire SP actually had me almost cursing every now and then because of their infection “precautions.” Actually, I find them tolerant of infection. It pisses me off.

Originally posted on: 18 June 2013 
Reposted on: 5 August 2013

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