Sunday 4 June 2017

The Last Jihad (2002)

After years of telling myself that I’d read Joel C. Rosenberg’s novels, and after hoarding them during the Manila International Book Fair last year, I’ve finally got started.

It was past 3PM two Sundays (8 June 2014) ago when I decided to start flipping the pages of The Last Jihad. Wow. I had mixed emotions when I got past the first chapters. Regret, for how on earth could I missed such amazing book? Thrill, for it’s good to have something heart-pounding and pulse-racing novel again in hand. Sympathy, for I got to understand in a better sense the gravity of what the world requires, if not demands, from the POTUS. Oh, it’s the first time I’ve heard of such term but I was able to follow.

For some people in the world, it may be something new. But for people who’s been watching the Middle East, though I claim not to be pious on that, it’s not surprising. I just hope that regardless of one’s political and religious views, they’d at least appreciate the basic principles used in The Last Jihad.

For one, the Islamic extremist truly call USA the “Great Satan” and Israel as the “Little Satan.” For such, they are determined to wipe out both especially the latter.

Even so, and despite the barbaric acts of the homicide bombers and Islamic extremist, I hope the world will not judge every Muslim they meet as one. May God have mercy on them instead.

Posted on: 22 June 2014

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