Friday 23 December 2016

Summer Nude episode 5

I watched Summer Nude today. It was just episode 5 though, but I was still glad. Well, I was glad when I found out that episode 5 was already subbed. But I got sad along the way. I could feel [read: relate to] Natsuki. If I were her, I’d probably be doing the same. Just the thought of it makes me sad. I got so carried away with this drama. Even so, I find Summer Nude ‘light’ in a way that I always find myself smiling whenever I watch an episode. I wonder why.

The ending of episode 5 almost made me crumble. Well, that’s an exaggeration. It was just quite too much. So I was glad when a distraction or diversion appeared. Every will be “focused” on another issue so they’ll set aside intimate personal interests. That’s how I see it though.

I don’t usually write about an episode, except on few occasions when I did so about pilot episodes. I just thought I’d write down what I felt, though words here are not enough to convey how I really felt then.

Originally posted on: 15 August 2013
Reposted on: 17 August 2013

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