Monday 30 November 2015

The Bourne Legacy

The Bourne Legacy
I loved the film, though not in the usual passionate way. I love it because I watched a good film. Having most of its action shot in Manila has nothing to do with my affection. It’s a simple fondness. The wits of Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) was amusing. He was a character, an agent should I say, that didn’t have that this-world-is-too-much look. He was light in countenance, but not in execution.
As for Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel Weisz), I think there was something missing with her. Perhaps, she’s just like a typical person. You know, someone who’s naturally off with whatever. I can only judge Weisz’ acting if I get handed with the script. Perhaps the most “off” part of her was when she pleaded for help from an unsuspecting father who happened  to be a fisherman.

Originally posted on: 2 September 2012

Reposted on: 2 May 2013

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