Monday 30 November 2015

Red Riding Hood

2011. I know. I’m that late. But better late than never. =)
Watching Red Riding Hood has made me become more fascinated with Amanda Seyfried. People may have always remembered her as the IDK-how-to-describe-her in Mean Girls, but I’ll always associate her with Veronica Mars. The way Seyfried looked, planting those gaze on someone, was in a way poignant. I think her gaze holds anyone, like suspending the moment. I’ve seen the same in Letters to Juliet. It’s where I first noticed such “gaze” of hers.
I’ve never read the story of Little Red Riding Hood, just heard about it and read bits. So I can’t say anything about the original bedtime story and this film, just about this film.
First, how it started reminded me so much of how Director Catherine Hardwicke opened Twilight. But I like it that way than having non-sense stuff to introduce the cast. It was relaxing to the eyes, at least for me.
I’ve only known Billy Burke in the Twilight saga and in Fracture, a film which I love for its wits. With this film, I’ve come to see how he’s not just someone who is plain.
Valerie, Seyfried’s character, was equally fascinating as the actress herself. She remained true to herself and all the while very courageous. I fear I wouldn’t have the same courage she had during the confrontation with her father. I’d have doubts. I’d be indecisive. She was neither.
Originally posted on: 10 September 2012
Reposted on: 15 May 2013

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