Monday 30 November 2015


No one else sees it, no one else knows, but the mirror shows what I have become.
--Part 1

Fickle Muse, always just out of reach, always hiding, never satisfied, no matter where she goes.
--Dream, part 8

“Cryptic Dream,” Muse returned, “never making sense no matter what she says.”
--Muse, part 8

I would rather be alone than share half a life with a person who is only using me as a substitute.
--Muse, part 11

I will not be the only person in this sad little triangle who is not truly loved by someone.
--Muse, part11

I am no one’s substitute. I’m not that desperate for companionship.
--Muse, part 12

We are Immortal, not invincible.
--Wisdom, part 12

Apparently, the solitary life isn’t healthy.
--Muse, part 12

Originally posted on: 8 September 2008

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