Saturday, 14 May 2016


So I've finally finished watching Supergirl and I wish season 2 is only weeks away. No, I mean days away.

I enjoyed watching Supergirl. Learned a lot too, like I always do. But of course it's how I apply those lessons in life.

I'd say it's a wonderful series, regardless how the 'original' story and characters should've been. There are a lot to learn from each character and that coat of arms does remind one of hope. At least to me. Kara Danvers herself is a sunshine.

My favourite characters, besides Kara Zor-El/Kara Danvers/Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), are Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) and Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh). It's good to see Flockhart again. I like Maxwell Lord too but that's because I'm biased towards Peter Facinelli.

Among the 20 episodes my favourite would be the one where they had a crossover with The Flash. It's good to see Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). My favourite scene on that episode by the way was when Barry treated the three musketeers with ice cream. I would have the same reaction as Kara's. I love ice cream. I can't wait to have one but I have to wait until Tuesday night, the latest.

I like how Kara and Barry interacted. They're a bunch of sunshine together.

There were of course scenes that make brows raised, either or both, because of inconsistencies but I'm letting go of those. I just hope they do better next time when it comes to time-sensitivity.

Supergirl can be fast; she is fast. But they have to be solid with how she works with Earth's time. Some scenes had been confusing.

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